If you donated in error or if the amount donated was incorrect please click here
What are the size of the beds?
Our beds are slightly narrower than standard twin size mattresses: 32” (instead of 39”) and are 75” long.
Private Kitchen Facilities
Each apartment is equipped with a large refrigerator for student use.
- The Yeshiva maintains contact with the army and local police and are kept up-to-date about the latest security situation.
- The Yeshiva building can only be accessed via a biometric fingerprint-ID system (not on Shabbat).
- Travel limitations may be implemented if deemed necessary.
- We respect the limitations that parents place upon their children to not visit certain areas of the country.
- Hitchhiking is strictly forbidden by the Yeshiva!
The Yeshiva employs a number of madrichim who live in the apartments with the students. They are an invaluable source of guidance and inspiration. We will have a minimum of four madrichim for the 2020-2021 school year.
The students have time to go to Jerusalem on a number of occasions. During the time that Yeshiva is in session (not including Bein Ha’Zmanim) all students are required to sleep in the dorms. This includes Saturday nights.
Tuesday Night
Night Seder on Tuesday ends early, allowing ample time for the students to play basketball or use the weight room on the Lev HaTorah Campus, go to Jerusalem for dinner and to meet friends, or just to hang out.
Saturday Night
Saturday nights are also free nights, although the Yeshiva often hosts a Melave Malka at the home of one of the local Rebbeim.
On Fridays, the students are free to leave after Shacharit.
We encourage parents to visit their sons during their year in Yeshiva, especially during the “Bein Ha’Zmanim” days designated in the Yeshiva calendar. Parents who plan to visit their son while the Yeshiva is in session are requested that they take their son out of the Yeshiva for a minimal amount of time and keep in mind the Yeshiva’s schedule as much as possible. A good rule of thumb is 3 days and 2 nights. Our years of experience have shown that taking a student out of the Yeshiva environment for a longer period impacts negatively on his overall experience.
We require all visiting parents to fill out the Parental Visitation Form prior to your visit. Please visit our page dedicated to family visits for more information, including apartments available to rent in the area.
What is the Yeshiva’s address? Where do I send mail to my son?
The mailing address of the Yeshiva is:
Yeshivat Lev HaTorah
Nachal Ein Gedi 37
Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel 9909884
Please mail letters directly to the Yeshiva and we will distribute them to the students.
If you want to send packages to your son, our experience is that the best (and cheapest) way is to send it with friends/family who will then deliver directly to your son. If you want to send a package by the mail, please make sure to pay to have a tracking number, which can be used to locate the package in the event that it gets lost. Please note that the Israeli postal system sometimes attaches higher-than-expected customs taxes on packages.
US Address
Yeshivat Lev HaTorah
166 Edgemont Place
Teaneck, NJ 07666
DO NOT to bring electrical appliances with 110 voltage. Travel converters are generally not reliable for long periods of time and can cause electrical shorts.
Appliances using 220 voltage can be purchased here in Israel.
We accept mature and motivated young men who want to come and make the most of their year in Israel.
We therefore expect our talmidim to behave as Bnei Torah. Moreover, we treat our talmidim as young men who are capable of making responsible decisions.
However, there are certain behaviors which will not be tolerated in the Yeshiva:
Each talmid (and his parents) signs a Declaration form that he will not be involved in the drinking of alcohol, the consumption of drugs of any form, or the smoking of cigarettes. A violation of this can lead to serious consequences.
Unfortunately, with the increasing popularity of internet gambling sites and poker games, incidents in which Yeshiva students are involved in gambling has also increased. Gambling of any form in our Yeshiva is not permitted under any circumstances.
If you are interested in visiting the Yeshiva, to meet with some of our staff and to take a tour of our campus, please contact Rav Michael Cytrin: ravcytrin@levhatorah.org.
We look forward to meeting you!